Förderverein Galliker Green Logistics

Galliker Green Logistics


We are a responsible family enterprise, now run by the third generation of the Galliker family, and are committed to acting sustainably and to treating human, the environment and nature with respect.

The Galliker-Studer family

galliker green logistics imbach logos en

means: Beyond logistics

With our “Green Logistics by Galliker” concept we aim to adapt our logistics processes in order to continuously reduce the negative effects on the environment and the consumption of non-renewable resources.

Our promise

2023-12-20 Praesentation GreenLogistics Infrastruktur EN3

This is how we want to manage

2022-02-18 Tätigkeitsfelder-Green-Logistics EN

Our network

2022-02-10 Verbände Netzwerk Logo-Green-Logistic

We’re on our way...

Here you will find our latest facts and figures – always up to date. 

galliker green logistics fahrzeugpark

Vehicle fleet

Our target is to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 5% per year. Accordingly, we continue to develop our fleet of vehicles and to target their use.

2024-12-23 Fahrzeugeflotte national international EN

Currently in our fleet

2024-12-23 Aktuell Flotte EN web

Successfully implemented

galliker green logistics transport und logistik

Transport and logistics

The delivery of goods through our network of distributed branches allows us to bundle the flow of goods more efficiently. The result is a significant reduction of the CO2 emissions of deliveries to peripheral regions and to cities (City Logistics).

Connected, sustainable logistics

2022-06-28 Verteilnetzwerk transparent zuschnitt web

Road-rail combination

galliker green logistics kombination strasse schiene
2024-06-13 Strasse Bahn EN

Savings made by shifting goods to rail

2024-06-13 Einsparung Güter auf Bahn EN
galliker green logistics campus

Galliker Campus

galliker green logistics foto campus 01
galliker green logistics foto campus 02
galliker green logistics foto campus 08 (1)
galliker green logistics foto campus 03

Logistics Academy

  • Training career changers
  • Promoting staff advancement
  • Various courses

Driver Academy

  • Own driving school
  • CZV courses (truck driver licensing)
  • Eco-Drive courses

Transport Academy

  • Training of lateral entrants in transport processes
  • Training & further education of drivers and dispatchers
  • Process optimisation & development with employees and customers

Trainee Academy

  • 17 apprenticeship paths
  • 140 apprentices
  • Theory and practical training

Sustainability in education

  • Rising awareness of staff for environmental topics
  • Continuous process optimization through knowledge management
  • Employee involvement through idea pools
galliker green logistics grafik blaetter campus
galliker green logistics infrastruktur


For new buildings and renovations, we only use state-of-the art technological and environmentally-friendly products.

2025 01 07 Green Logistics EN

Annual production of electricity of our photovoltaic systems

2025-01-06 Photovoltaik-Anlagen EN

Galliker Transport & Logistics

On the Road...

galliker green logistics on the road